Pension Fund Association for Local Government Officials (Chikyoren)

Company description

The Association sets aside and manages a pension reserve fund so that the pension benefits plan of mutual aid associations will be operated smoothly. In the event of a shortfall in resources to fund pension benefit payments of mutual aid associations, the fund is to provide the necessary amount to cover it.

Company details

5-26, Akasaka 8, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052 Japan

Participation in projects

Projects Transactions
List of the updates in which the company was involved

Company updates

  • July 16, 2018

    BNDES and CAF launch Brazil Infrastructure Fund

    The National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) of Brazil and the Latin American Development Bank (CAF) are preparing to launch an infrastructure fund with a target size of BRL500 m...

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  • June 26, 2018

    BNDES to loan US$134 million to Brazilian airport concessionaire

    The Brazilian National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) has approved a BRL508 million (US$134.2 million) loan to BH Airport, the owner of the concession to operate Tancr...

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  • March 20, 2017

    ARTESP awards Sao Paulo road PPP

    Sao Paulo's Agência Reguladora de Serviços Públicos (ARTESP) has awarded to Pátria Investimentos the concession contract for the Rodovias Centro...

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  • February 27, 2017

    Two bidders announced for Sao Paulo road PPP

    Ecorodovias Infraestrutura e Logística S.A. and Pátria Investimentos have emerged as the only two companies to present bids for the BRL3.9 billion (US$1.26 billion) Rodovias Ce...

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