The University of Barcelona (UBS), Spain, selected in May 2015 an Acciona-led consortium as the preferred bidder for the expansion of its Law College building through a concession contract.
The team, composed of Acciona Infraestructuras and ACSA Obras e Infraestructuras, has been the only bidder. Ferrovial along with two other consortia, one composed of CAT Desenvolupament de Concessions Catalanes (a subsidiary of Iridium Concesiones) and Dragados, and another made up Construcciones Rubau and Constructora Calaf, finally did not submit proposals for the project in the competitive dialogue stage.
The wining bidder will have to build, operate and maintain the first expansion of the Law College building. The concession will also include the development of the electrical infrastructure connecting old and new buildings. The total length of the contract will be 120 months or 10 years.
The total project investment is estimated at €36 million (US$40.9 million), excluding VAT. The selected private partner will be remunerated via availability payments to be paid after the commissioning of the new building. Under the wining offer, the University of Barcelona will have to pay a total consideration of €43.99 million to the selected bidder.
UBS is a public university located in the city of Barcelona, Catalonia in Spain. With 75 undergraduate programs, 353 graduate programs and 96 doctorate programs to over 63,700 students, the UBS is considered one of the best Universities in Spain.