The government of Colombia, through the National Infrastructure Agency (ANI), has approved the Antioquia - Bolívar road public private partnership (PPP) project.
The project, which is an unsolicited proposals submitted by El Condor S.A., involves the construction, upgrade and maintenance of a 491 km road. Specifically the project includes the construction of a 109 km road stretch, the upgrade of a 228 km road stretch and the maintenance of these two stretches plus an additional 154 km road stretch.
The total project investment is estimated at P1.13 billion (US$443.8 million).
El Condor S.A. has recently won the tender process for the Cesar - La Guajira road PPP project. The winning firm, which had submitted an unsolicited proposal, was the only bidder in the tender process for the project. The company will be responsible for the design, upgrade, build, operation and maintenance of the 350.3 km road.
This last case is similar to the Malla Vial del Meta PPP project, which was awarded by ANI to the firm that submitted an unsolicited proposal, Grupo Odinsa S.A., after no competitive bids were received.
So far, three other unsolicited proposals have been approved by the government: