Djibouti seeks PPP advisor

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Djibouti seeks PPP advisor

The Government of Djibouti (GoDj) and the IFC have launched a tender process to hire a public private partnership (PPP) advisor to explore PPP options for some of the projects in its pipeline.

GoDj has several large infrastructure projects either under construction, in the development phase, or planned for the near term.

The government has requested assistance from the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank, to establish a PPP framework and begin project preparation for a few pilot projects to carry out on a PPP basis.

Specifically, the the scope of work for this assignment is split into six main components to be developed in parallel:

  • Development of a PPP Strategy;
  • Best Practices in Institutional, Legal and Regulatory Framework for PPPs,
  • Designing an Institutional Set­Up for PPP,
  • Pipeline Screening and project prioritization;
  • Pre­Feasibility Study of 2 projects; and
  • Stakeholder Consultation.

Interested firms must submit their expressions of interest (EOIs) on or before 7 September 2015.

See request for expression of interest (RFEOI):

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