McMaster University, in Ontario, is issuing a Request for Qualification (RFQ) to seek a private sector proponent to design, build, and manage a Graduate Student Residence (GSR). McMaster is also open to separate discussions regarding an undergraduate residence.
The RFQ process is a two stage process and this RFQ is the first stage, which includes a general description of the second stage. McMaster intends to qualify a limited number of RFQ Respondents to engage in the Stage II RFP Process. The deadline for submission of qualification documents is 9 October 2015.
McMaster may reserve the right through the RFQ to operate the GSR. McMaster has approximately 1,200 graduate and 300 Postdoctoral Fellows. It is the intent of McMaster to make available capacity of the building to these students. If there is inadequate demand from these students, McMaster will offer spaces to upper-year undergraduate students.
McMaster is interested in an equity interest in this building. The objective of McMaster is to enter into an agreement with the successful proponent, where revenues, costs and risks are shared between the parties. Submissions should indicate willingness for revenue sharing propositions that clarify how each of these items may be allocated.
The successful proponent may be required to secure a site within a 30 minute commute to McMaster, as land will not be provided on McMaster campus.
McMaster aims to provide 300 to 500 beds in a 8-level building. In a building of 400 beds at approximately 30 beds per community, this allows for 13 communities.
McMaster's existing Housing & Conference Services Department will provide administration services (e.g., marketing, student assignments, student rental agreements, communications, rental collection, and bed space management). These services will be provided at a competitive annual fee and/or part of a negotiated equity arrangement.
See more about this tender process: