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The Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority (WDBA) has launched a request for qualifications (RFQ) for the Gordie Howe International Bridge public private partnership (P3) project.
The WDBA is a not-for-profit Canadian Crown corporation and will manage the procurement process for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of the new bridge between Windsor, Ontario (Canada) and Detroit, Michigan (USA) through P3. The WDBA is also responsible for project oversight and will set and collect all tolls.
Respondents will be evaluated on their experience and qualifications to deliver and finance large and complex infrastructure projects. Following a evaluation process, respondents will be invited to participate in the second stage of the procurement process, the request for proposals (RFP), expected in late 2015. The overall procurement process is anticipated to be up to 18 months in duration.
Following the release of the RFQ, two introductory project meetings, one in Windsor and one in Detroit, will be held for interested respondents on August 5 and August 6, 2015. Both meetings will be followed by an Industry Day to provide an opportunity for potential respondents to meet and network with local, regional and national contractors, suppliers and service providers.
Mark McQueen, Chairman of the WDBA Board of Directors, stated:
"Today's announcement represents yet another major milestone for the Gordie Howe International Bridge project and the first stage in bringing our private sector partner on board. We anticipate international interest in this seminal project given the immense popularity of best-in-class global infrastructure assets, and look forward to seeing what the private sector has to offer. Our overarching goal is to build a safe, efficient bridge as fast as possible. The more financial and project risk that we can transfer to the eventual winning bidder, the better this procurement will be for Canadian taxpayers."
Michael Cautillo, President and Chief Executive Officer for the WDBA, commented:
"With input from Transport Canada, the Michigan Department of Transportation, the Federal Highway Administration, and other state, provincial and federal organizations, the WDBA has developed a Request for Qualifications designed to position us to ultimately evaluate submissions and select the most suitable private sector partner. A key attribute for any successful respondent is their approach to engage regional resources and leave long-lasting benefits."
We have recently reported on several road PPP projects in North America: