The Nigerian Prisons Service (NPS) through the Federal Ministry of Interior has launched a request for expressions of interest (RFEOI) to hire advisors for prison PPP projects.
These projects namely; Prison Integrated Farm Facility (PIFF), Land Swap Correctional Facility (LSCF) and Industrial Laundry Facility (ILF) will be delivered under a concession arrangement and fit for purpose PPP model for the respective projects.
As part of the PPP procurement process, NPS hereby invites transaction advisory (TA) firms or consortia to express interest to provide a broad range of advisory services for the concession of PIFF, LSCF and ILF covering PPP project development and procurement activities.
PPP project development phase services to be provided by the TA will culminate in the presentation of an Outline Business Case for approval, while the PPP procurement phase services to be provided will culminate in preferred concessionaire(s) for the suite of PPP projects and a full business case submission for approval.
Interested parties must submit their expressions of interest on or before 10 August 2015.