Rebel hires infrastructure professionals from LeighFisher

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Rebel hires infrastructure professionals from LeighFisher

Rebel, a Dutch PPP advisory firm, has hired Kimmo Oostermeyer, Willem-Jan Zwanenburg and Joris Snijders from LeighFisher, a US-based global management consulting company.

To be more specific, Kimmo Oostermeyer, Willem-Jan Zwanenburg and Joris Snijders are leaving LeighFisher and moving to Rebel, a strategy and financial advisor, infrastructure developer and investor, with its offices in Rotterdam, Antwerp, Washington DC, Johannesburg, Manila and Jakarta. 

Rebel provides advisory services to develop public-private partnerships (PPPs), innovative financing arrangements, project delivery strategies, as well as procurement and transaction advisory processes. In addition they offer a range of related services in the field of policy and strategy, institutional development, capacity building and project/policy evaluations.

Kimmo stated:

“The combination of strategy and finance, technology and operation, enables us to serve the ‘whole customer’, from the executive leadership to the front-runners who procure and deliver projects and operations. This makes us capable of offering a fully integrated package of services covering consulting, implementation and optimization across all stages of the infrastructure lifecycle. As an example: we see a clear potential for the UK and European rail sector to reduce the intrinsic system cost with increasing performance.”

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