Natixis and Swiss Life in France have signed an infrastructure debt cooperation agreement.
Under the terms of this agreement, Swiss Life will invest €300 million, benefiting from the expertise of Swiss Life Asset Managers and Natixis in this asset class.
An initial deal to co-finance an offshore wind project has already been set up. Swiss Life will be able to benefit from the long-term investment experience and credit analysis skills of Swiss Life Asset Managers.
Swiss Life's co-investment with Natixis, a key player in this area with a dedicated infrastructure debt platform, will offer the insurer prime access to the European infrastructure debt market and to Natixis' considerable expertise.
This fresh partnership will enable Natixis to further expand its infrastructure debt platform and hence bolster its infrastructure financing capacities in Europe, serving its clients.
Investment in the infrastructure asset class will help Swiss Life diversify its portfolio and keep its risk and yield profile in line with targets.
This partnership agreement is another demonstration of institutional investors' interest in infrastructure debt, just ahead of the easing of Solvency II European regulation which would occur in 2016.