Colombia opens bids for Buga - Buenaventura road PPP project

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National Infrastructure Agency (ANI) in Colombia has opened bid envelopes received in response to the tender of Buga to Buenaventura road concession. The project will improve the connection between the international port zone of the Colombian Pacific and the interior of the country. 

The Buenaventura-Buga road will have a length of 128 km, with a corridor on the second lane along 116.1 km. The selected private partner will be also responsible for the rehabilitation, operation, and maintenance of the existing road. In addition, the scope of work includes the construction of approximately 1.4 km long two short tunnels, and the change of electromechanical equipment in the 9.3 km long seventeen existing tunnels.

The concession period for the project is 29 years including 5 years for construction works. The pre-construction phase is scheduled to last 1.5 years while the implementation works will be conducted for 3.5 years.


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