Concession notice for BR-381/BR-262 to be announced soon in Brazil

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The Ministry of Infrastructure in Brazil has announced a new progression in the concession project, BR 381 (MG) and 262 (MG/ES) road. The project has been approved by the plenary session of the Federal Court of Accounts. 

The road project comprises over 670 kilometers of extension, involving the BR-381, from Belo Horizonte to Governador Valadares, and the BR-262, between João Monlevade (MG) and Viana (ES). The concession notice is planned to be published in August 2021, with the auction expected to take place in the last quarter of the year.

The main scope of works includes 402 kilometers of duplication, 228 kilometers of additional lanes, 131 kilometers of side roads, at least two stopping and resting points for road transport, etc. The BR-381/262/MG/ES project will have a total investment of BRL7.3 billion (US$1,4 billion) in investments for improvements and expansion of capacity, in addition to other BRL4.7 billion (US$904.2 million) for operational services. The concession period is 30 years with a possibility to extend up to 5 years. 

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