New Zealand announces infrastructure pipeline and commission

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The New Zealand Infrastructure Commission, Te Waihanga in New Zealand has established infrastructure pipeline with data presentation from five capital-intensive agencies. The objective of developing infrastructure pipeline is to provide visibility of timing, sequencing, and scale of future infrastructure projects.

All five departments and Crown entities have identified 174 projects, with an estimated value of over NZD 6.1 billion (US$ 4.01 billion) as having funding certainty, or near certainty, in the pipeline. While a level of certainty is signaled, final approvals may be needed by Cabinet, Ministers, or at a board and executive level, before a project actually comes to market. This will depend on project risk and value.

This prototype is the first step in providing the infrastructure market with better information about the timing, sequencing and scale of future credible and committed infrastructure projects. It provides a solid foundation that we will build on and refine. By the time the Commission is up and running in late 2019, the aim is that all central government agencies, as well as most local government agencies, will be represented in the pipeline. Over time private sector projects will also be added. When fully developed, the pipeline will help give the infrastructure market greater certainty about future infrastructure projects, to help it gear-up capacity and capability to deliver. It will also inform the Commission’s thinking as it develops a 30-year strategy to address New Zealand’s infrastructure needs.

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