NYCEDC, DCLA seek operator to develop Immigrant Research and Performing Arts Center in Northern Manhattan

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New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) and Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA), launched a Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEI) for a nonprofit organization to design, construct and operate a new Immigrant Research and Performing Arts Center (The Center) in Northern Manhattan. The Center is part of the Inwood NYC neighborhood plan, which was approved by the City Council in August 2019. 

The City has committed US$ 15 million to fund the acquisition, design, and construction of a future facility that is expected to include performing arts space designed to allow a variety of programming, staging for performances, space for local arts and cultural groups as well as storage, dressing rooms, classrooms, rehearsal space and administrative offices. The facility will also include a space programmed by New York Public Library (NYPL) for the public to research historical and contemporary materials that reflect the immigrant experience in New York City. The space is expected to provide access to NYPL’s major research collections held at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Library for the Performing Arts, and the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building.

Once complete, the City will own and operate the facility and it will be included in the DCLA Energy Coalition, a group of cultural organizations on City-owned property under DCLA’s jurisdiction that receives City funding to cover energy costs. The goals of the Energy Coalition align with the City’s CreateNYC cultural plan, which supports a long-term strategy of strengthening NYC’s cultural sector through more equitable City funding.

NYCEDC will host an information session in Northern Manhattan, and proposals are due on December 19, 2019. 

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