Slovakia seeks developer for transmission line

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Slovenská Elektrizačná Prenosová Sústava AS has issued a tender seeking a development partner for the completion of the looping of the 400 kW line V424 to ESt Senica in Slovakia. 

The selected consultant will be responsible for the construction of two new 1x400 kW lines from Senica Pbch.256 of the existing 400 kW line B424 Krizovany - Sokolnitsa and related works for 20 months. The contract cannot be extended. Offers of bidders must be valid until June 30, 2023. The value of the contract is EUR8.9 million (US$8.7 million).

The deadline to submit the response is October 26, 2022.  For more information about this tender, please visit our business opportunity page here

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