UGL confirmed acquisition of telecommunications services of Skybridge

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UGL, a member of CIMIC Group, has confirmed the acquisition of the telecommunications services of Skybridge.

Skybridge is an Australian firm specializing in installation and maintenance contracting within the telecommunications sector, focusing on fiber, wireless, and satellite technologies. The acquisition encompasses the transition of eight customer agreements, Skybridge telecommunications staff and subcontractor relationships, equipment, intellectual property, and engineering expertise. By integrating this newfound capability into UGL's existing Telecommunications division, UGL can sustain its robust expansion in the telecommunications industry and enhance its services in rural and remote regions of Australia. In particular, this acquisition will fortify UGL's nationwide capacities for high-volume customer installations and quality assurance tasks.

The acquisition, expected to be closed before the end of 2023, is subject to certain conditions, common in these types of agreements.
UGL and Skybridge will work through a transition process focused on the continuity of service to clients.

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