UK's NIC launches infra procurement framework

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The National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) of the UK Government has launched a framework to assess private financing and traditional procurement as the body calls for a stronger evidence base on infrastructure procurements. 

This analytical framework is designed to develop insights into the merits and shortcomings of procurement models. It requires a robust evidence base of costs and benefits, and data is key to gaining a better understanding of infrastructure investment outcomes. Data collection has been best on privately financed projects. Analysis of costs and benefits of procurement models enables transparency and public accountability, so data for traditionally procured projects need to continue to improve.

This document sets out the National Infrastructure Commission’s summary findings from the pilot application of the analytical framework for assessing procurement models set out in the National Infrastructure Assessment. The Commission collaborated with Highways England on the pilot, using data from five road projects delivered by private financing and traditional procurement. The pilot built on earlier work comparing private financing and traditional procurement performance in the construction phase. The Commission has extended this in making the case for whole life and balanced analysis of costs and benefits of procurement models.

The Commission proposes that the analytical framework is used by public bodies to analyze the costs and benefits of financing and procurement models. The analytical framework should also support project appraisal decisions.

The document can be accessed here

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