USD 748 million Proposals presented for Orbital Sur Santiago expressway PPP project in Chile

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The Ministry of Public Works has opened the three economic offers corresponding to the Orbital Sur Santiago project, with Intervial Chile SA being the company that presented USD 748 million, the most attractive proposal in Chile.

Other bidders included Grupo Costanera SpA and CONCESIONES CHILE HOLDINGS III SpA. The South Orbital project extends from the South Access, running parallel to the Maipo River to Route 5 South, creating a vital link between these key routes. It provides enhanced connectivity for travelers from Peñaflor and the Port of San Antonio to Route 5 and southern Greater Santiago. The project also offers a new route for Santiago-bound traffic from the coast via Route 78 and improves connectivity between the northwestern area of Santiago and Route 5 South from Route 78. The new expressway will enhance connectivity through six links, including connections to Route 78, Peñaflor, Lonquén, Route 5, South Access, and Los Morros Sector in San Bernardo. The project encompasses the development of uneven crossings and walkways in various locations, including Melipilla, Loreto, Manuel Castillo, La Primavera, Los Tilos, Nueva Independencia Road, El Barrancón, and Padre Hurtado. Local roads in Peñaflor, Calera de Tango, and San Bernardo will be improved, and a section of the Costanera Norte del Maipo in San Bernardo will be materialized. Additionally, the project proposes a 2 km improvement to the Camino Lonquén route in Calera de Tango, featuring landscaping, LED lighting, speed change lanes, and cycle path enhancements.

The project, requiring an initial investment of USD 504 million, is anticipated to be granted in Q1 of 2024. The construction phase is expected to commence in 2028. The Orbital Sur Santiago project is slated to commence operations in 2030.

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