Wales issues consultation on Draft National Development Framework

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Wales has issued consultation on Draft National Development Framework. The Government would like interested parties´ views on a new national development plan (NDP) which will set the direction for development in Wales from 2020 to 2040.

The development plan addresses national priorities through the planning system, including:

  • sustaining and developing a vibrant economy,
  • decarbonisation,
  • developing resilient ecosystems,
  • improving the health and well-being of our communities.

The plan covers the big issues important to Wales’ success, including housing, energy, economy, transport and the environment. It identifies where nationally significant developments should take place, where key growth areas are, what infrastructure and services are needed and how Wales can contribute to the fight against climate change. It is about making the best use of resources, creating accessible healthy communities and protecting our environment. The NDF is not about local matters which are normally dealt with at local authority level – but rather takes a broader look at what Wales, as a whole, needs in order to achieve prosperity and well-being now and in the future.

The draft NDF identifies overarching outcomes which are a vision for change over the next 20 years and form the basis for its policies and proposals.

Consultation ends on November 1, 2019. Cunsultaiton documents can be found here

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