Companhia Riograndense de Saneamento (Corsan)

Company description

Corsan is a state-owned sanitation service provider in Rio Grande do Sul. Corsan's corporate goal is to conduct research, design, construction, operation, exploration and expansion of public services for the supply of drinking water and domestic wastewater. The company operates in 317 municipalities of Rio Grande do Sul, employing 5,681 people, providing 96.7% of universal access to drinking water in managed urban areas and 16.3% of universal access to sewerage. Thus, its coverage reaches about six million people.

Corsan also handles industrial effluent and solid waste from the Petrochemical Complex III, headquartered in Triunfo (RS), as well as industrial effluents from the General Motors do Brasil Automotive Industrial Complex in the municipality of Gravatai (RS).

Company details

Porto Alegre
Rua Caldas Junior, 120 - 18th floor Porto Alegre - RS 90018-900

Participation in projects

Projects Transactions
List of the updates in which the company was involved

Company updates

  • December 26, 2022

    Aegea wins privatization auction of Brazil's Corsan

    A consortium comprised of firms Aegea, Perfin and Kinea has won the privatization auction of a Companhia Riograndense de Saneamento (Corsan) in the southern state of Rio Grande, Brazil.  Corsan&...

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  • July 07, 2022

    Rio Grande do Sul to change Corsan privatization process

    The State Government of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil has announced its decision to change the privatization process of Companhia Riograndense de Saneamento (Corsan).  The changes involve replacin...

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  • February 03, 2022

    Rio Grande do Sul postpones IPO for privatization of Corsan

    The Companhia Riograndense de Saneamento (Corsan), a sanitation service provider in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, has postponed the public IPO for the privatization. Corsan supplies drinking wa...

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