The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has selected Ernst & Young to advise on the Nile River transport PPP project in Egypt.
The contract value is €1.19 million (US$1.3 million). The contract was signed on 5 June 2015.
Ernst & Young will carry out the completion of the feasibility study and the PPP tender preparation. The consultant will provide a full and complete package of advice concerning legal and technical advice related to PPP project and tender design, and bidding support through to financial close, including the following tasks:
The project will involve the purchase, funding and operation of river transport fleet, to include the: purchase of boats fleet with suitable size and quality for the minimum of passenger transportation service, and as defined by Cairo Transport Authority (CTA) in the invitation for the tender to be bid for the PPP; operation and maintenance of the fleet, according to the minimum level of passenger transportation service and as defined by CTA in the invitation for the PPP tender; and collection of tickets' revenue from the passengers and the additional revenue.