14 bidders submitted response to RFLOI for rail fiber optics network PPP

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Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) in the USA has received numerous responses of interest from 14 companies to the announced RFLOI (Request for Letters of Interest) for the Commuter Rail Fiber Optic Cable Resiliency Program. The MBTA is looking for a private partner to deliver the PPP project, which involves the design and build of a new fiber-optic network on North Side Commuter Rail Lines (approximately 157 route miles) and South Side Commuter Rail Lines (approximately 83 route miles). The new fiber-optic system will incorporate one 96-strand cable for MBTA’s exclusive use for vital systems, with an option for one 288-strand cable for MBTA to lease to commercial entities in the future.

The following 14 companies have responded to this RFLOI:

  1. Middlesex Corporation
  2. Tilson Technology Management
  3. McCourt-Barletta JV
  4. J. F. White Contracting Co.
  5. eX² Technology LLC
  6. Manafort Brothers
  7. Michels Power, Inc
  8. Maverick
  9. Rosendin Electric
  10. SIGNET Electric Systems, Inc.
  12. Five Star Electric Corp.
  13. Transitwireless 
  14. AFL

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