Auction completed for street lighting PPP project in Curitiba

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The Municipality of Curitiba has completed an auction for the street lighting public private partnership (PPP) project in Curitiba, Brazil. The project was structured by BNDES in partnership with a consortium of consultants Accenture - Moysés & Pires (Accenture do Brasil LTDA and Moysés & Pires Sociedade de Advogados).

The Engie Soluções de Iluminação Pública offered BRL1,1 million (US$204 thousand) for public review by the municipality, representing a discount of 71.32% against the maximum limit of BRL3.84 million (US$713 thousand). Over the course of 18 months, the concessionaire must modernize about 157,000 public lighting points, implement or revitalize scenic lighting projects in 141 specific locations, such as monuments and historic buildings and implement remote control systems on the main roads of the municipality, interconnected with the operational control center. 

The BRL329 million (US$61 million) project will benefit more than 1.9 million inhabitants with changes that will lead to better lighting in urban spaces, increasing road safety, reducing energy consumption, improving the quality of services provided, valuing historical heritage and tourist attractions in the city, as well as contributing to an increased sense of security and a reduction in crime. The term of the contract is 23 years.

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