Brazil to invest US$ 9.53 billion in 59 PPP projects

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Ministry of Infrastructure in Brazil has initiated planning for 59 new PPP projects at the council meeting held on May 8, 2019. There will be 6 port terminals, 22 airports and 14,500 kilometers of highways to be granted to the private sector. The projected investment is BRL 38 billion (US$ 9.53 billion).

In the port sector, the qualified projects are the STS20 and STS14 terminals, in the Port of Santos (SP), and the IQI 03, 11, 12 and 13 in the Port of Itaqui (MA). The portfolio also has the privatization of the Port of São Sebastião. BRL 895.6 million (US$ 224.61 billion) in investments are expected.

Among the highway projects eligible for concession are BR-163/MT and BR-230/PA, from Sinop (MT) to Miritituba (PA); BR-381/MG and BR-262/MG/ES, from Belo Horizonte to Governador Vakadares, in Minas Gerais, and the stretch between João Monlevade (MG) and Viana (ES). Another 7,213 km of highways were also qualified for studies, divided into 15 road stretches, which will serve 13 States.

The airport portfolio includes the 6th round of concessions, with 22 terminals divided into three blocks: Central, North I and South, as well as the sale of Infraero shareholdings in Guarulhos (SP), Brasília (DF), Galeão (RJ) ) and Confins (MG), which will be carried out by the state. The planned investment is BRL 4.99 billion (US$ 1.25 billion).

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