The Jefferson Parkway Public Highway Authority (JPPHA) Board of Directors selected three teams from among five submissions to move to the request for proposal phase for the construction of the Jefferson Parkway.
The successful teams are:
Each team brings substantial financial capacity, proven engineering expertise, significant construction experience, and knowledgeable operations and maintenance personnel that will be needed in a regional infrastructure project of this size.
The next step is for JPPHA to formally issue a Request for Proposal in the next 60 to 75 days. Each of the three teams will develop detailed engineering and construction plans, their plan of finance and operations and other information as a formal response that will be submitted in late October 2019. One preferred team will be identified and they will negotiate with JPPHA for a long term agreement to build and operate the project. The Jefferson Parkway will operate as a toll road and is expected to begin construction early in 2020. Construction is anticipated to take two years.