Public Consultation launched for urban parks in Brazil

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The City of Recife with the help of National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) has launched a Public consultation for the concession of Urban parks in Recife, Brazil.

The concession involves the development, management, operation and maintenance of four Urban parks: Dona Lindu; Jaqueira - Governor Joaquim Francisco; Cassava; and Santana - Ariano Suassuna. It also includes the execution of engineering works and services and the possibility of installing attractive anchors.

For the concession auction, the parks were divided into two blocks: one comprising the Jaqueira - Governador Joaquim Francisco and Santana - Ariano Suassuna parks; and the other includes the Dona Lindu and Macaxeira parks. 

The public hearing will be held on November 29, 2022. Any citizen will be able to access documents, ask questions and make suggestions about the projects until December 9, 2022.

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