Tender launched for La Dorada - Chiriguaná section railway corridor project in Colombia

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The National Infrastructure Agency (ANI) has published the final specifications for the award of the public works for the operation of the La Dorada (Caldas) - Chiriguaná (Cesar) railway corridor project in Colombia.

Among other activities, there will also be the design and intervention of vulnerable points, emergency care during its operation and surveillance of the entire corridor. Financiera de Desarrollo Nacional (FDN), with ANI support, is structuring a 10-year PPP for the corridor. It includes an admin building, control center, maintenance workshops, cargo transfer center, infrastructure and rolling stock maintenance, and a new traffic control system.

Interested parties may present their offer until May 6, 2023. The agency will assess the proposals in accordance with the established guidelines and relevant regulations and then proceed to award or declare the bidding process.

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