Operation started of Bogotá-Belencito railway corridor in Bogota

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National Infrastructure Agency-ANI has announced the operation of the Facatativá - Bogotá - Belencito and La Caro - Zipaquirá railway corridor in Bogota, Colombia.

A technical assistance agreement between ANI and Findeter has been signed, enabling ANI to oversee the management, maintenance, and operation of the railway line for the next 2 years. This will ensure that passenger transportation and cargo movement between the departments of Cundinamarca and Boyacá are guaranteed. In the Bogotá-Belencito corridor, the operation of the transportation system has resulted in the mobilization of 174 thousand tons of cargo and 397 thousand passengers.

In addition, a contract has been signed with Financiera de Desarrollo Nacional to conduct pre-feasibility level studies and designs for the revival of the Pacific Railroad Corridor from the Port of Buenaventura, as well as its connection with the Railroad Corridor.

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