Investment announced to expand 4G internet coverage along Carajás Railroad

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Brazilian mining firm Vale partnered with telecommunications firm Vivo to increase 4G coverage along the Carajás Railroad connecting the states of Maranhão and Pará in Brazil.

The initiative encompasses several key components, including the installation of 49 new telephone towers and the activation of signals on 27 existing towers. Additionally, it involves the procurement and installation of new equipment. This substantial investment, valued at approximately BRL240 million (US$ 50 million), will have a positive impact on nearby communities along the railroad, enhance railroad operations, and improve connectivity on the Passenger Train service. It represents a shift from analog to digital communication throughout the railroad, resulting in accelerated access to data generated by trains and enabling the implementation of even more innovative systems in the future. The railroad will feature real-time video transmission, offering train operators enhanced visibility of activities across all sections of the track. Furthermore, telemetry data concerning train performance will be accessible in real-time along the entire railroad length. Additionally, employee cell phone communication will be notably more stable. 

Furthermore, by the conclusion of 2024, all 15 passenger stations along the Carajás Railroad will provide free internet access for users. In the initial phase, priority will be given to five stations: São Luís, Vitória do Mearim, Santa Inês, Açailândia, Marabá, and Parauapebas.

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