Maryland to choose new contractors for Purple line PPP

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Maryland Transit in the USA is planning to choose new contractors to finish the partially complete Purple light-rail line project.

The authority expects to assign the contract to new firms in February 2022. The new dates for the construction and estimated cost to complete the project will be announced by the end of 2021. Previously the contract was scheduled to be awarded in September 2021, but the shortlisted firms have asked to push the deadline to submit the proposals for the project. 

The project involves the development of a 16-mile light railway, the Purple Line, to connect Montgomery County and Prince George’s County with stops stretching from Bethesda to New Carrollton. The light rail will have 21 stops and will connect to four Metro stations in Bethesda, Silver Spring, College Park, and New Carrollton. Once completed, the project will improve public transit between the counties. 

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