Proposal to replace Louisiana’s Calcasieu Bridge voted down

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The Legislature's Joint Transportation, Highways and Public Works Committee has voted against a proposal to procure the Interstate 10 Calcasieu River Bridge replacement via a public-private partnership (PPP) in Louisiana, USA.

The decision comes in response to concerns expressed by local representatives, residents, and the Government regarding the replacement of the 71-year-old bridge. The proposed new bridge would involve tolling motorists for a period of 50 years to contribute to its funding. This leaves the state with two alternatives for addressing the aging structure:

  • a design-bid-build pay-as-you-go approach, extending beyond 2060, or
  • a state-owned toll option that could result in the completion of a new bridge around 2039.

Officials from the Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD) have suggested that a rehabilitation investment of approximately US$200 million to US$300 million could potentially extend the bridge's lifespan by two to three decades. The project has secured approximately US$800 million in public funds, including US$150 million from a federal mega grant, US$150 million from American Rescue Plan funds, US$240 million from the state's vehicle sales tax, US$85 million in state general obligation bonds, US$75 million from the federal Highway Priority Program, and US$100 million from the state's General Fund.

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